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Traveling to the Bronx for an arrest, a family who just can’t stop fighting and a few lost dogs

Written by Eve Marx

Artwork by Cara McPartland


Bedford police make an arrest in the Bronx 

A 24-year-old man from Piscataway, N.J., was arrested on April 3 in the Bronx at Central Booking by Bedford police, who had a warrant for his arrest. The warrant dated back to a larceny at an auto parts store in Bedford Hills during September 2022. Police say there were three original suspects involved in a car battery theft, and he is the one who got caught. He was retrieved by Bedford police after being picked up in the Bronx on an unrelated charge, and he returned to Bedford police headquarters, where he was processed, arraigned and released on his own recognizance. He was scheduled to appear in court on April 17. 

Two choking incidents reported 

A Bedford Hills man, 35, was arrested on April 3 on Nottingham Road in Bedford Hills and charged with assault. Police say he was arguing with his girlfriend over their lack of communication when the argument turned physical and he began choking her. Photos were taken of the victim’s injuries. Katonah Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance members were on the scene, but she declined medical attention. A full order of protection was issued to the victim, and the boyfriend was released on his own recognizance with a summons to appear in court on April 10.  

A Mahopac man, 58, was arrested on April 10 at police headquarters and also charged with choking. Police say he is employed by a doctor in Bedford Hills on Cherry Street. The man, whose job is to set patients up with IV treatments, got into an argument with a patient on April 3. Police said it wasn’t the first time they’d had problems. The argument turned physical, and the employee put his hands on the patient in what was described as a choke hold. The victim said his breathing was obstructed. The two were separated by others who were present, and the accused party left the premises. He turned himself in on April 10, was processed, arraigned and scheduled to appear in court on May 1.  

Woman accidentally trapped on roof 

A woman reported herself stuck on a roof on April 3 at her residence in Katonah on Beaver Dam Road. She said she climbed out a window to access the roof and then the window closed, trapping her. Katonah firefighters arrived and got her off the roof, at which time she contacted a nearby relative who had an extra key as she was still locked out. 

Don’t like the price? Just steal it

On April 5, a caller reported a man stealing on Adams Street in Bedford Hills. The reporting party said the thief took firewood without permission on multiple occasions and had been warned by the caller to stop it. The caller provided the man’s license plate information to the police, who soon found him and made contact. He told an officer he tried to buy the wood but “the guy wanted too much money.” The complaining party declined to press charges, only requesting police advise the man not show his face again at his property.  

A keening, howling, crying sound 

A keening, crying, howling sound was reported on April 7 by a caller on Lawrence Avenue in Bedford Hills. Police investigating surmised it was an animal but nothing suspicious was observed. 

Dad’s just looking out for son’s best interest 

A father and his son argued at their Katonah home on Valley Road on April 12 after the dad caught his young son vaping and took the boy’s cell phone. The boy left the house but was located by police, who returned him to his home and gave him a solid talking to about the dangers of vaping. 

Man sleeping on the sidewalk given a courtesy ride home 

An intoxicated man was reported sleeping on the sidewalk in Katonah on Valley Road on April 12. Police gave him a courtesy ride home as he was found conscious and alert. 

Family members can’t stop arguing 

Three family members were involved in a physical fight on April 13 at their home in Bedford Hills. Upon arrival, police said the wife became physical with her husband about what time he came home from work and then their daughter jumped in to defend him and soon they were all going at it. Things were calm by the time police arrived and everyone said they would stay away from each other for the rest of the night. Police returned to the residence the next day when the daughter and the mom argued over laundry detergent, verbal only. Later that day, police were at the home again after one person reported her arm was injured when they resumed the argument. 

Don’t be gross 

A caller on Rome Avenue in Bedford Hills on April 14 reported a man touching himself in a communal laundry room of her residence. She told police she was doing her laundry when a man she didn’t recognize started touching his groin area outside his pants. She said they were alone, and she told him to leave, which he did. At no time did he expose himself or make obscene comments. Police looked for the man without result.

North Castle 

Don’t park here 

A Whippoorwill East Road caller on April 5 complained about construction vehicles on the street that were working on a new home next to the caller’s. Police arrived and the operators of those vehicles moved them away from the caller’s driveway. 

But what about the dog? 

A caller on Birdsall Farm Drive on April 5 reported that a woman walking her dog fell down and was lying in the roadway. Armonk ambulance crew arrived on scene and the woman was transported to Northern Westchester Hospital. No mention was made of the dog or who took over its care. 

Wandering puppy 

A Virginia Road caller on April 5 told police they found a pitbull puppy; a police officer arrived to bring the pup back to headquarters. The owner was contacted and came to retrieve their pup. 


Two men were reported fighting on April 7 on Old Orchard Street. County police were dispatched to break it up as North Castle police were otherwise occupied. 

Items stolen during real estate showings 

A homeowner walked into police headquarters on April 8 to report a theft that occurred at her home on Thornewood Road sometime between Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, 2023 during a week of real estate showings and a furniture auction. She said there were 40 showings during that time period. A report was made, and her deposition was taken. 

Just because there was an eclipse doesn’t mean you can park here 

Parking issues were reported on Old Orchard Street on April 8 when a large number of cars arrived at the Cranberry Lake Preserve in anticipation of the solar eclipse. Multiple summonses were issued to owners of cars parked along the roadway. 

Brush fire 

A brush fire was reported on April 9 in a wooded area of Round Hill Road. Firefighters were dispatched to extinguish the fire. No injuries were reported. 

He’s wearing an ankle monitor 

A Lafayette Avenue caller on April 10 requested police come to her multi-family residence as three suspicious-looking men were hanging around; she said one of them was wearing an ankle monitor. Police arrived and spoke to the trio; they concluded nothing bad was happening. 

Wandering chihuahua 

A caller on Whippoorwill Road on April 11 said she found a chihuahua wandering around her neighborhood, so she brought it inside her home. Police arrived and located its owner and the little dog went home. 

This report was made from official reports provided by the Bedford and North Castle police departments. 

Eve Marx

Eve Marx is a national journalist, book author and writing coach. She has worked with the police and writing police reports for a very long time. She has a master's degree in education from Teachers College, Columbia University and is the author of numerous books, including "101 Things You Didn't Know About Sex" and "Flirtspeak." Her essay collection, "View From the Porch: Tales from the Anti-Hamptons" won a Washington Irving book award. A longtime resident of Westchester, she now makes her home on the west coast, where she lives with her husband, R.J. Marx, a journalist and jazz musician. She is currently working on a crime novel.

Cara McPartland

Cara McPartland is a sophomore at John Jay High School. In her free time, you can find her listening to music, playing the cello or drawing. "I’ve been drawing since I was a kid, and it’s something I do whenever I have time," she says. "I'm inspired by TV shows, YouTube as well as people in real life (actors, musicians and others). One of my characters is actually based on Taylor Swift; he kind of has the same personality, and is a famous singer as well." Cara is a member of her school’s orchestra, and she spends her weekends working as part of the stage crew for the school productions.