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Activated burglar alarms, car wash drama and rotten contractors 

Writing by Eve Marx

Artwork by Cara McPartland 


Falling trees bring down wires

A caller reported a fallen tree on a house on Lily Pond Lane in Katonah, on March 11; the police and fire personnel who responded saw the downed tree and dangling wires. The house wasn’t damaged, and no injuries were reported. Katonah firefighters arrived on scene, and the power company was notified to correct the situation.  

No rugs were stolen 

A glass break alarm was activated at a venerable antique rug store on Main Street in Bedford Hills on March 11. The building was checked, and everything appeared to be secure.   

One day, two unconscious and unresponsive calls

In Bedford Hills on March 12, a home health aide reported that her client, a 66-year-old woman, was unresponsive. On arrival, police and Katonah Bedford Hills volunteer ambulance crew members met the aide at the door; she said her client was presently conscious and alert but not able to talk and very congested. The woman was transported to the hospital for evaluation. 

A man, 78, was reported unconscious and unresponsive at his home in Bedford Hills. He was awake and able to communicate with first responders, telling them he’d collapsed on the floor on his way to the bathroom. He was also transported to the hospital by Katonah Bedford Hills ambulance personnel. 

Septic employees scuffle 

Two male employees at a septic cleaning business on North Street, Katonah, got physical with each other on March 12 after one man entered the other man’s vehicle without permission. The owner of the company separated the combatants, and one man left the scene prior to police arrival. The remaining man said he didn’t want to press charges; he just wanted the other man to be told to stay away. He suffered some minor scrapes from the altercation but declined medical attention. 

Boyfriend says, ‘You’re too drunk to hold a baby’ 

Alcohol was involved in an argument at a residence on Rome Avenue, Bedford Hills, on March 12 between a boyfriend and his girlfriend. They told the police they argued because he said she was too intoxicated to hold an infant visiting their home. During their argument, she accidentally lacerated her finger and  Katonah Bedford Hills ambulance personnel ended up transporting her to the hospital. A New York State domestic incident report was completed.  

One day, two car wash dramas

A patron at a car wash on Bedford Road, Bedford Hills, complained to police on March 13 that their windshield was damaged while at the car wash. Police reviewed the video on the property and noticed the complaining party’s wipers were on while they were going through the wash. They advised the patron that it was their own failure to turn off the wipers that likely damaged the windshield and said the car wash was not at fault. 

An entirely different patron at a different car wash also located on Bedford Road, Bedford Hills, reported an incident on March 13 as well. She said her car touched the car behind her while inside the car wash. Police did observe some damage to her rear bumper. Again, video surveillance was reviewed, and it appeared the complainant applied her brakes during the wash process, resulting in a collision. The other car wasn’t damaged, and the driver left prior to police arrival. 

Stop texting me, unless it’s about the kids 

A woman came to police headquarters on March 13 to report unwanted contact from her former spouse. The couple is separated but not yet divorced. They have children in common but don’t live together. The woman complained about texts and messages he sent her. Police looked at the messages and said they weren’t threatening. At her request, they reached out to her ex and advised him that she doesn’t want to speak to him about any matter that doesn’t directly involve their kids. 

Problems at the pump 

Police went to a service station on March 13 on Haines Road in Bedford Hills for what started as a request for assistance with a car lockout that turned into a domestic incident. Police said a woman and her teen son pulled into the station, and the mother asked him to get out and pump their gas. He refused, so she got out, and he locked her out of the car. She called the police. An officer assisted in mediating their situation; the gas was pumped and paid for and the mother and son left. A New York State domestic incident report was completed. 

Phone hacker turned extortionist 

On March 13, a Bedford Hills resident reported their phone was hacked, and the hacker turned into an extortionist, demanding payment for photos they said they downloaded from the caller’s iCloud account. Police advised the resident to block the hacker’s number and reset all their passwords on social media and iCloud. The caller was also advised to contact Apple to make them aware of the hack. 

Has knife, could self-harm 

A woman, 34, with a past history of mental illness and intention to self-harm was transported from her home in Katonah to the hospital by Katonah Bedford Hills ambulance personnel. It was reported that she had a knife on her person, but she didn’t threaten anyone. 

Is he following her?

On March 16, a woman contacted the police to say she was being followed. She said a car followed her from Katonah into Mount Kisco; she noticed the same car the day before following her as she drove around Katonah. She provided the license plate number to the police, and they contacted that driver. He denied the accusation and said he was just out on “aimless drives.” Police advised him to pay more attention to his actions. Both parties live in Bedford Hills but don’t know each other. 

North Castle 

One day, FIVE activated burglar alarms 

A burglar alarm was activated on March 8 at a home on Fox Ridge Road. On arrival, police were greeted by the homeowner, who said there was no problem and they’d set it off in error. 

A plumbing and heating company working at a home on March 8 on Terrace Circle accidentally set off multiple panic alarms while performing work on the premises.  

A burglar alarm was activated on March 8 at a home on North Lake Road. On arrival, police found an unsecured rear door. Nothing appeared out of order when the premises were checked, and the police, as a courtesy, locked the door. 

A commercial burglar alarm was set off on March 8 at a business on Bedford Road. The owner of the business told police his surveillance cameras were inoperative. Police checked and said everything was fine. 

A housekeeper working at a residence on East Middle Patent Road accidentally activated a residential burglar alarm rather late at night. The owner was contacted to confirm everything was okay. 

And another alarm the next day

On March 9, an activated commercial burglar alarm brought police to a business on Tripp Lane. Police responding said an employee accidentally set it off. 

Hello? There’s a car on my front yard

On March 9, a caller reported a Mercedes Benz leaving the roadway and winding up in someone’s yard on Bedford’s Banksville Road. Banksville fire fighters arrived and said the operator of the Mercedes declined medical attention. No explanation was given for how or why they drove off the road. 

She paid the contractor, and then he disappeared 

On March 9, a Washington Avenue resident told police she’d hired a contractor to repair a retaining wall; she said she gave him $22,000, but he never completed the job. A report was made for documentation only, as this is a civil matter.  

Fell off a ladder 

A caller on Cox Avenue on March 11 told dispatch his father, 85, fell off a ladder and injured his tailbone. The man was transported to the hospital by ambulance.

A load of smoke but no fire 

A neighbor reported a large amount of smoke coming from a residence on Sniffen Road  on March 13. Police and fire personnel arrived on scene, and an officer spoke with the homeowner in question, who said there was no fire and they were burning trash in their backyard. 

My boyfriend left me, but I’m okay

On March 12, a caller on Washington Avenue notified police that her boyfriend was breaking up with her. She said he’d already left the residence. She wanted the police to know he was gone, there was no dispute and she didn’t require their presence. An officer went to her home to check on her anyway, and said she was fine. 

This report was made from official reports provided by the Bedford and North Castle police departments. 

Eve Marx

Eve Marx is a national journalist, book author and writing coach. She has worked with the police and writing police reports for a very long time. She has a master's degree in education from Teachers College, Columbia University and is the author of numerous books, including "101 Things You Didn't Know About Sex" and "Flirtspeak." Her essay collection, "View From the Porch: Tales from the Anti-Hamptons" won a Washington Irving book award. A longtime resident of Westchester, she now makes her home on the west coast, where she lives with her husband, R.J. Marx, a journalist and jazz musician. She is currently working on a crime novel.

Cara McPartland

Cara McPartland is a sophomore at John Jay High School. In her free time, you can find her listening to music, playing the cello or drawing. "I’ve been drawing since I was a kid, and it’s something I do whenever I have time," she says. "I'm inspired by TV shows, YouTube as well as people in real life (actors, musicians and others). One of my characters is actually based on Taylor Swift; he kind of has the same personality, and is a famous singer as well." Cara is a member of her school’s orchestra, and she spends her weekends working as part of the stage crew for the school productions.