How to Make a Home Renovation Happen
(Without Feeling Overwhelmed, Stressed or Broke) By Gia Miller Design by Justin Negard They say every home tells a story, and we’ll bet most of them are lovely. But what about every renovation? What story does that tell? Is it one of stress and overwhelm coupled with delays and “surprise” expenses? For some, the answer is yes, but the reality ...

A Day In Little Haiti
Writing & Photography by Justin Negard Map pran yon lòd griyo,” says a man in Kreyol Flavor, a restaurant on Church Avenue. He’s placing an order for griot, a traditional Haitian dish of fried pork, which comes with rice and beans. This Brooklyn takeout restaurant is crowded with customers, and many are ordering the griot, a local favorite. Church Avenue ...

How to Get (& Keep) A Job
By Ava Elghanayan Whether it’s your choice or your parents, getting your first job can feel daunting. How do I find a job? What should I write on a job application or say during an interview? What do I wear? And why do I need a job? Whether you’re saving for college or simply looking to earn extra spending money, ...

How to Master Small Talk
And look forward to networking events, holiday parties and more Writing by Susan Trumpbour Artwork by Joe Halperin Oh, the joy of small talk! Said (almost) no one ever. The Oxford Dictionary defines small talk as “a polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters.” In other words, it’s chatting about stuff that won’t rock the boat, especially at social gatherings ...

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee
By Courtney Davis Walker Today, coffee is having a moment. Okay, let’s be real, coffee is always having a moment. Coffee is popular worldwide for its energizing effects, taste and social aspects. But is there a magic formula for making that perfect cup? How long do you brew? How hot is too hot? What about the beans? Grind size? Brewing pressure? ...

What Do Virtual Assistants, Spell Check, GPS Have in Common?
They’re tools that make our daily lives easier, and they’re also assistive technology Writing by Alexa Berman Have you ever washed your hands with an automatic soap dispenser? Watched a movie with closed captions? Used a keyboard to type rather than handwrite notes? If the answer is yes, then you have used assistive technology (AT). “Assistive technology tools can benefit ...

Power and Control
Writing by Ava Fleisher Artwork by Justin Negard According to the CDC, one in four women and one in seven men will face domestic violence of some kind in their lifetime. But what is domestic violence? The National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) defines it as “a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over ...

Live A Better, More Productive Life
AI is here to stay. Here’s how to use it. Writing by Ava Elghanayan Artwork by Justin Negard Picture this: it’s a Saturday night after a hectic week. You want to grab dinner with friends to unwind, but you need to find a place that works for both your gluten-free neighbor and your vegan co-worker. Plus, you want to sit ...

Innovation, Inclusivity & Impact
What local experts think about technology’s role & effect on our society Writing by Gia Miller Photography by Justin Negard We asked Perplexity and ChatGPT to write these bios, which are modified below due to space constraints in our print publication. We combined the best of each AI’s creation and ...

Storytelling 101
How to keep your friends, family and even strangers engaged in every tale you tell Writing by Kayla Schmidt Artwork by Greg Muenzen Telling stories, a seemingly easy task, is much more than just saying “once upon a time.” It’s about making an experience come to life for others, connecting, and essentially putting the listener in your shoes with the ...

Passport to Beauty
By Susan Trumpbour Artwork by Justin Negard Travel is magical. It opens the doors to different cultures, tantalizes our taste buds with exotic flavors, allows us to explore new destinations, and is soothing for the soul—and, wait, good for our skin, too? Across the globe lie coveted beauty products, each steeped in history and cherished for its transformative ...

Explore the World without Leaving Home
Writing by Josephine D'Ippolito Artwork by Cameron Bly https://connecttomag.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/flags.jpg Who says you need a passport to have an international adventure? This summer or fall, embark on a global journey right in your own backyard. Westchester County offers vibrant festivals, delicious food and immersive cultural experiences from around the world. So pack your bags (or don’t, because we are staying local) ...