It all starts with the right preschool – a place where your child will develop their love of learning through fun, hands-on, and developmentally appropriate activities in a warm, nurturing environment. And that’s exactly what you’ll find at Katonah Playcare. They’ve spent over 40 years helping children ages two through five develop a strong educational foundation, build self-confidence and reach their full potential in all areas of development, including developing strong social-emotional skills. Their highly qualified staff of early childhood educators create a trusting environment and provide a gentle structure where each child is respected and feels confident in taking risks. Plus, they believe that family involvement is essential to a preschooler’s success, and they offer many opportunities for family participation throughout the year.
44 Edgemont Road, Katonah, NY 10536
914- 232-7825; [email protected]
The editorial staff at Connect To magazine.