Happiness is the Best Medicine For You and Your Dog

Happiness is the Best Medicine For You and Your Dog

by Dr. Sarah J. Cutler Dogs have evolved alongside humans for thousands of years.  We’ve bred them to work for us: herding, hunting, guarding, policing, sniffing out drugs and disease, working in search and rescue, and serving people with physical or mental health conditions.  However, most dogs in the United States are companions and treated like family members.   Some dogs ...
How To Wire Your Home

How To Wire Your Home

By Justin Negard Electricity is something we take for granted. It’s always there. One flick of the switch and…let there be light. And yet, for safety and convenience, it’s something everyone should give more consideration to. Is the wiring in our home safe? Is it efficient? Are we optimizing the technology in our home? We spoke to three different experts ...
The Science Behind Nutritious Food

The Science Behind Nutritious Food

A peek inside the Bionutrient Food Association (BFA) Founders’ note: Every once in a while, we find a person or group that transforms our thinking. The BFA is one of those organizations. In fact, they were the initial inspiration for our farm theme. So, we asked our local BFA chapter leader, Ellen Best, to highlight their amazing research and educational ...
Digging in the Soil

Digging in the Soil

This article was published in the March/April 2023 print edition of Katonah Connect ...
Mill River Supply

Mill River Supply

Nestled in the hamlet of Bedford Hills sits the closest thing many local gardeners, landscapers and farmers will likely ever have to their own version of Cheers. You know, the place where everybody knows your name. But this place doesn’t serve beer or have a tall, rangy guy named Sam running the joint. Yet everybody knows the regulars, and for ...


Greetings readers. After a short winter hiatus, I am back and eager to sink my hands in the earth and get growing. Though some of us began starting seeds indoors in January or February, I consider the true start of the growing season to be the last frost date. This date is determined using historical climate data and your garden’s ...
The Future of Farming

The Future of Farming

Climate change, a shrinking water supply, land scarcity, invasive species, disease, trade wars, mega farms – the farming industry is simply not sustainable in its current state. Something must change. But what? Those with their eye toward the future of farming say it’s the farmer and their practices that should change. The broad focus, they say, should center around caring ...
How to Buy Art

How to Buy Art

There are two types of people who buy art: one type buys to build or grow a collection, and the other buys to decorate their home. If you’re an art collector, you either know how to purchase artwork that will increase in value or have hired someone who does. But if you’re buying art to decorate your home, odds are ...
DIY Hero

DIY Hero

In the modern world of YouTube videos and ‘how-to’ websites, the DIY solution can be tempting. A two minute video can be all the inspiration needed to break out the welding torch and chainsaw. But should you? How do you know what’s within reach and what’s going to burn the house down or leave you knee-high in a basement full ...